Data Acquisition System

PCB Designed for the project

Data Acquisition System based on Arduino Mega 2560 will be developed. The system has 12 channels, half of them in the range [0,5] V and the rest in the range of [-15,+15] V. The resolution, in most of the channels, is 16 bits, whereas in some channels, only 4 of 12, is 10 bits. The system will save the data in an SD card and send it, via GPRS, to a website developed to visualize the data in real-time. The system can be configured to choose which channels will be on and off. It has a real-time clock to keep track of the time and date when the measure was made, an LCD display to show which task the system is performing, and an SMU that will allow the system to measure currents. The system is completely portable and can function on its own in an autonomous way.

Sergio Gasquez
Sergio Gasquez
Embedded Software Engineer

Telecommunications Engineer with Masters in Electronic Systems for Intelligent Environments who loves firmware and embedded systems programming!
